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Community Is Currency; 5 Steps To Unlocking The Power Of Influence

In today's fast paced, ever-evolving world, community is more important than ever – but what exactly is community, and how do we harness its power in terms of business?

Let’s break it down. Community is not just a social construct, but a valuable currency that holds immense power and potential. More than ever before, we are interconnected and interdependent (thanks, social media). The strength and vitality of communities have become vital for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.

Community brings together the shared values, relationships, trust, and social capital that exist within a group of people. Community currency can be seen as a measure of the strength and resilience, support, and resources available within a particular circle .

By now, most of us are familiar with the philosophy: "you are the equivalent of the five people you surround yourself with." Our social circles have a profound impact on our personal growth and development. 

Read on as we explore the power of influence, the importance of intentional relationships, and how surrounding ourselves with the right people can propel us towards success and fulfilment. 

1. The Power Of Influence

As human beings, we absorb ideas, values, and behaviours from those around us – whether that’s consciously or unconsciously. The people we spend the most time with have a tremendous impact on our mindset, motivation, and aspirations. Their attitudes and actions can either inspire us to reach our full potential, or hold us back from meaningful growth. Start by taking stock of your inner circle: the power of influence empowers us to consciously choose our social circle and surround ourselves with individuals who uplift and inspire us. Who are the five people you spend the most time with?

2. Reflect On Your Values and Aspirations

When we align ourselves with individuals who share similar values and goals, we create a supportive environment that fosters personal growth. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded people who embody the qualities we strive for can serve as a constant reminder of our own potential and motivate us to push beyond our limits.

3. Personal Growth and Development

When we engage with people who are constantly learning, challenging themselves, and seeking improvement, we are more likely to adopt a growth mindset ourselves. The collective pursuit of growth creates an environment that encourages learning, innovation, and self-improvement, and can even become a catalyst for our own personal growth journey. 

4. Accountability and Support

When we surround ourselves with people who genuinely care about our success and well-being, they become our cheerleaders, mentors, and sounding boards. They help us stay focused, provide guidance, and offer constructive feedback. Their support and encouragement create a nurturing environment that propels us forward and helps us overcome challenges. Take a look at your inner circle: what is the balance of support and constructive feedback – or, instead, are you surrounded by criticism, or even apathy?

5. Expand Perspectives and Opportunities

An essential for personal growth? Diverse, even contradictory opinions and perspectives. Surrounding ourselves with individuals from different backgrounds, experiences and points of view broadens our horizons and challenges our preconceived ideas. Exposure to diverse ideas and perspectives sparks creativity, fosters empathy, and cultivates a deeper understanding of the world around us. Think about it like a social media algorithm: if you follow the same types of accounts, your perspectives will merge like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Follow a broad balance, and you’ll get a wider range of diverging viewpoints.

6. Let Go of Toxic Relationships

Be honest with yourself: how many energy vampires are you currently in contact with? Ultimately, recognising the impact of our social circle also means acknowledging the detrimental effects of toxic relationships. Negative, toxic individuals can drain our energy, hinder our progress, and limit our potential. In their place, create space for healthier, more supportive connections. In six months time, you’ll be reaping the rewards.

By intentionally choosing our relationships and surrounding ourselves with individuals who inspire, elevate, challenge, and support us, we create an environment conducive to success and fulfilment. As we strive for personal growth, let this be a note to all of us to be mindful of the power of influence and cultivate relationships that propel us towards becoming our best selves.

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